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Professional Lawyer Consultant in Pakistan for Criminal Offenses


Lawyer Consultant in Pakistan for Criminal Offenses:

If you are looking for lawyer consultant in Pakistan or criminal lawyers in Lahore Pakistan for criminal offenses you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Our Lawyer in Lahore & Lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is best To Deal the Property & Civil & Family Case. Now Choose our Lawyers in Lahore & Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan for Success in Law Matters. The magistrates hear the less severe cases, some 96 percent of all criminal cases. The offense will be: Triable in the magistrates’ court only (a summary offense); or triable in the crown court only (an indictable offense); or triable in the crown court or the magistrates’ court (an offense triable either way). If the crime is summary, then the trial by lawyer consultant in Pakistan or criminal lawyers in Lahore Pakistan will also take place in the magistrates’ court. If it is indictable, the prosecution will usually take place in the crown court, but only after the magistrates have confirmed that there is the basis of a case against the accused.


With offenses triable either way, the position is more complicated: The charge is put to the accused in the magistrate’s court. Both the accused and the prosecutor can say which court they think should hear the case. The magistrates then tell where they think they should try the case. If that is in the magistrates’ court, the fourth step is for the accused to be given the chance of overriding the magistrate’s decision and insisting on his right to a jury trial in the crown court by lawyer consultant in Pakistan or criminal lawyers in Lahore Pakistan. Note that if he insists on a crown-court trial against the wishes of the magistrates, he might be penalized by the crown court should he subsequently be found guilty. With juveniles (i.e., under seventeen), different problems arise: see blog 146 for juvenile-court cases.

Criminal Lawyer in Lahore:

Opting for magistrates’ through lawyer consultant in Pakistan or criminal lawyers in Lahore Pakistan court or crown-court trial of the defense is triable either way. The defendant has to weigh up the pros and cons of the problem in the magistrate’s court and the crown court. Advantages of practice in the magistrates’ court Speed: if the plea is guilty. If the request is not guilty, it can take just as long (or even 1onger) to get the case heard by magistrates as in the crown court costs: it is cheaper to run a point in the magistrates’ court. Many defendants obtain legal aid, and then cost is not a significant factor.

However, if found guilty, they are likely to significantly contribute towards legal aid costs in the crown court than in the magistrate’s court. Penalty: generally, lighter penalties are imposed in the magistrate’s court. But sometimes, the magistrates commit the defendant to the crown court for sentencing, in which case that advantage is lost.

Crown Court:

Benefits of trial in the crown court acquittal through lawyer consultant in Pakistan or criminal lawyers in Lahore Pakistan: the chances of being found not guilty are considerably higher in the crown court. Thus if the defendant is a professional person or person with a lot to lose if convicted, he should always opt for a crown-court trial if it is available. Evidence: the defense will see the prosecution’s case in advance because all the evidence will have been supplied when the issue is committed from the magistrate’s court (see blog 795).

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