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Hire Best & Top Family Law Firms in Pakistan for Maintenance


Family Law Firms in Pakistan for Maintenance:

 If you are looking for family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan you may contact Jamila law Associates. However, maintenance paid to a spouse under a court order is considered even when the legal-aid application relates to fresh maintenance proceedings by family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan Illustration. Mrs. Jones receives £30p.w. Maintenance from her ex-husband. However, Mr. Jones is not as well off as he was, so he applies for the maintenance order to be varied (i.e., he wants the weekly payment reduced).

Mrs. Jones applies for legal aid to defend the case. When working out her disposable income, the £30 p. w. by family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan will be considered, even though the court proceedings jeopardize the maintenance payment.  A husband and wife both agree to a divorce. Since it is an undefended divorce, legal aid will not be available (blog 41). However, they cannot agree on how to divide up the family property-including the properties they own, their savings in the building society, and cash in the bank.


Accordingly, the wife applies for legal aid to ask the Court to make a property order dividing the family assets between the two of them. When working out the wife’s financial eligibility, the DHSS assessment officer will: ignore the husband’s income since ‘they have a contrary interest, and ignore the value of all the family property (e.g., houses, savings, cash, furniture) which is “the subject matter of the dispute.’ So unless the wife has income or capital of her own, she will almost certainly be eligible for free legal aid by family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan. 

Child Maintenance in Pakistan:

If by family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan the legally aided client wins his case, he will probably find that the judge orders the other party (the loser) to pay all his costs. Any damages awarded will go to the Advocate and not the client. The Advocate will then pass the money on to the Legal Aid Office, and it will not pay it out to the client until all the legal fees have been paid. The Advocate will work out his costs on a common-fund basis (see blog 841). It is the amount that he will receive from the Legal Aid Fund for acting on behalf of the client. The loser will have to pay the cost of family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan, but not on such a generous basis as the common-fund basis. Instead, the loser only needs to bear the expenses on a party-and-party basis (see blog 840).

Party & Party Cost:

 The party-and-party costs will be slightly less than the common-fund costs. The loser will pay the party-and-party costs to the family law firms in Pakistan child maintenance in Pakistan, who will then pass them on to the Legal Aid Office. The office will then pay the Advocate his common-fund costs. So the money to pay the Advocate will come from the party-and-party fees paid by the loser. But usually, there will be a slight shortfall, and it will take the balance from 2—the client’s contribution. So if the gift was £100 and the shortfall was £30.

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