Discussing With Husband On Child Education and Process of Talaq in Pakistan

Discussing Child Education and Process of Talaq in Pakistan:

 If you wish to discuss the child education issues after the process of talaq in Pakistan by family lawyer in Pakistan you may contact Nazia Law Associates. If they think the punishment was excessive, they can prosecute the offending teacher for assault or sue him/her for damages; this is done by issuing a summons in the magistrates’ court for a private prosecution or by using in the county court for the process of talaq in Pakistan by family lawyer in Pakistan.

Education Authorities:

They are starting school. In practice, many education authorities are prepared to take children before that age. The minimum leaving age is sixteen, but a child cannot necessarily leave on his or her sixteenth birthday. By the Education Act 1962: Sixteen-to-nineteen-year-olds, the duty of the LEA to educate extends to sixteen-, seventeen-, and eighteen-year-olds. There is a duty to provide suitable facilities for children of that age group who wish to receive full-time education.

Regarding Age:

 Regarding those aged nineteen and over, there is a duty to provide further education for those who want it (but since it need not be in the local area, this duty is – in practical terms- meaningless) for the process of talaq in Pakistan by family lawyer in Pakistan. As for fees, LEAS can charge for non-advanced further education (which means below GCE A-level standard); until recently, few LEAS did charge, but some authorities have now introduced charges. education Parents cannot insist that their children should not have -education lessons.

Family Lawyer in Pakistan:

For the process of talaq in Pakistan by family lawyer in Pakistan there is no right for the parent to object to such lessons. In practice, all the parent can do is attempt to reach an informal agreement with the head that the child is excluded from those classes. School uniforms Head teachers can lay down rules that require wearing certain items and forbid wearing others (e.g., Doc Marten boots). But the rules must be ‘reasonable,” and it would not be reasonable for the head to insist that particular types of garment (e.g., a special type of blazer) be worn when cheaper; otherwise similar, it can buy items elsewhere. Similar principles apply when dealing with appearance problems since (e.g., long jewelry make-up) is all a matter of reasonableness in the process of talaq in Pakistan by family lawyer in Pakistan.


In practice, the head teacher is in a powerful position. Failure to comply with the school rules regarding uniform and appearance may eventually lead to suspension as a discipline problem. The concerned parent should begin by discussing the problem with the head. The next step is to ask the LEA for a copy of its Information for Parents booklet to see whether the head teacher is complying with it (1981 regulations require that the LEA must publish details of school tools uniform and dress rules). Otherwise, the only hope is to complain to the LEA. The child and religion Parents have no duty to bring children up with religious beliefs.

Take Direction in Talaq Procedure in Pakistan By Female Lawyer

Direction in Talaq Procedure in Pakistan:

The wife’s statement and terms and conditions of the talaq procedure in Pakistan were also ignored from consideration by the Courts below, which had resulted in grave injustice to the wife. The case was remanded to Family Court for decision afresh, based on evidence on record, on its merits. Favor to the plaintiff with direction to return the benefits to the husband. Payment of benefits creates a direction contained in the decree that can be enforced by the Family Court itself. Decree of talaq procedure in Pakistan with direction to wife for return of benefits to husband would be within scope. It brings within its ambit all decrees which concern or pertain to payment of money. Khula decree with direction to wife for return of benefits to husband would be within the scope of s 12(3) and entitles husband to seek execution of a decree for return of benefits. The contention that direction in talaq procedure in Pakistan for return of benefits creates a civil liability.

Civil court:

As such, the husband must resort to Civil Court to recover the number of benefits rejected as misconceived and based on a misconception of reported judgments. Contention, if accepted, would be against the object of the Family Courts Act enacted to shorten litigation between parties in family matters. (ii) If the amount which wife IS required to pay stands quantified, there is no reason why another suit before Civil Court should be necessary for enforcing direction in Khula decree for return of benefits by payment of the quantified amount. To be invoked by wife on offering compensation to husband for her release. Offer to return or repay all gifts or part of it or even more voluntarily made my wife and accepted my husband.


Khula to be permissible or completion of such offer and acceptance is valid. Held further: In case of such offer being not accepted by husband, discretion to be left with Court to pronounce ordering return of gift or benefits received by the wife from husband in consideration of marriage provided Judge be satisfied regarding there is no possibility of parties living happy and harmonious married life within limits O God.2 49 compensation and rather. Wife invoking Khula making no offer of compensation and declining to return ornaments admittedly given to her by husband at the time of marriage was not maintained. The wife is bound to restore the benefits she had received from her husband in the talaq procedure in Pakistan.

Specific demand:

The wife is bound to restore benefits that she had received from her husband instead of marriage Court is not called upon to direct restoration unless the husband makes a specific demand. Order of Court for restoration in the absence of particular demand by the husband would be illegal. The husband is not entitled to return any benefits. Husband is not entitled to return of any benefits in case he fails to plead or prove payment of benefits to wife at the time of marriage. Return of benefits which wife had derived on account of marriage is not a condition precedent to dissolution.

Khula Decree:

Khula decree made conditional upon return of benefits operates to dissolve marriage when it is passed. Its effect is not postponed till the return of benefits by the wife. The direction in Khula’s decree to return benefits would create civil liability for a wife. Non-payment of stipulated consideration of Khula does not invalidate dissolution of marriage by talaq procedure in Pakistan. Inquiry into terms on which dissolution shall take place does not affect the conclusion that parties cannot remain within the limits of God.

Why Couple Face Difficulty in Online or Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan

Difficulty in Online or Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:

If you are facing any difficulty in the court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan you may contact Nazia Law Associates. She apologized and said she would refrain from judging criticizing his brother in the future regarding court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan.

Story of Dilawar:

Upon hearing this, Dilawar agreed to see his brother the next day arrange for repayments to begin. Other contentious issue were brought out into the open one by one, discussed, and resolved. Sometimes it involved finding a compromise. Sometimes one or the other would back down and allow their partner to have their way. Up to this point, Maheen and Dilawar had experienced great difficulty and trauma in trying to resolve disputes. They did not have heated arguments; they simply switched off to each other and withdrew when they could not (or did not immediately) reach an agreement regarding court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan. This behavior adversely affected their general communication.

It would have been healthier in many ways had they had an argument and brought their resolve negative, contentious feelings out issue into the through open -honest though, and it is open always discussion better to rather At the than end arguing of six months Maheen and Dilawar had a relationship that was causing them both to hope and giving them insights into how much better it could yet be if they continued working as they were now doing. They had resumed their sexual relationship (which had been on hold for a year), and we’re beginning to experience feelings of love for each other after court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan.

Online Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:

They had learned to talk about their feelings after court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan and to affirm and build each other up. They were now also bringing issue out into the open and dealing with them as quickly as they occurred. Although they were still experiencing some ups and downs, both agreed that their relationship was more stimulating and fulfilling. If they continue working as they have been over the last six months, they will undoubtedly grow even closer.


 Dr. Jack Dominion, an eminent British psychiatrist, emphasizes that to have a climate where it can establish absolute trust in a relationship, we need to know that the relationship is going to be a permanent one. He believes, as I do, that court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan provides this safe climate in which the ultimate in trust can be experienced – a good reason for the state of marriage.

Many people say, ‘Well, we have a good relationship. Why bother getting court marriage procedure in Pakistan or online marriage procedure in Pakistan?’ For our security, we need to know that the relationship we have (or are entering into) will be permanent. Anything less than this makes it difficult for us to give ourselves and our trust to another. I believe that only when we cement a relationship in this way can we really relax in it totally, fully commit ourselves to it, and give ourselves completely. 

Condition When Child and Earning Wife Get Maintenance

Condition When Child and Earning Wife Get Maintenance:

If you wish to know the conditions when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Mother plaintiff deposed in her examination-in-chief that she was married to the plaintiff’s father, and from that wedlock, the plaintiff was born. It did not cross-examine the mother of the plaintiff when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan. Lady being the wife of the deceased father of the plaintiff, was a direct witness of the factum of the plaintiff’s birth, her evidence to that extent, held, should be deemed to have been taken as correct.


In the presence of a statement of the mother of the plaintiff, which was best and direct evidence, it could not hold that plaintiff did not establish himself to be the son of deceased.”  A child born within less than seven months of the father’s death gives an irresistible presumption of a child born out of the valid wedlock when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan.  The wife filed suit for recovery of maintenance for minors, but then the husband denied their Parentage that he was away in Saudi Arabia before the minors’ birth.

Written Statement:

Husband, in his written statement and evidence, admitted that before the Delivery of children, he came to Pakistan and remained his wife, he came to know about the birth of a daughter. After that, his wife left the house in his absence. When the husband remained with his wife, it could presume that the birth of minors was quite natural. Both the Courts below had considered evidence that the children and their mother had also gone to Saudi Arabia.

Maintenance of Child in Pakistan:

All criminal proceedings when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan initiated by the husband were after the institution of the suit for maintenance. Thus the same was to avoid the care. Marriage existed, and both the Courts below had committed no illegality while awarding maintenance to the minors. ° One of the minors was a patient of cancer, and she was under treatment. Both the minors were getting an education, and the mother had to bear expenses of stationery, tuition fee, transportation, etc. Father was bound to provide the minors proper education, health facilities, and other necessities of ire. Maintenance allowance fixed by the Family Court at the rate of Rs. 5,000/- per month per minor was insufficient to fulfill the basic needs of the minors when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan.

Appellate Court:

Appellate Court was justified in exercising its discretion for increasing the quantum of maintenance allowance of minors without their appeal. Father was abroad, and his monthly income was Rs. 1, 00,000/- per month. Quantum of maintenance allowance fixed by the Appellate Court could not be held beyond the financial capacity of the father. Courts below were justified to allow an annual increase of 20%, which aligned with the country’s inflation rate when earning wife get maintenance and claim maintenance of child in Pakistan. It made no definite assertion regarding any specific person with whom the accused Woman committed Zina. Non-cohabitation by father with mother of child during time child conceived not proved.

Compromise In Your Case Through Advocates in Lahore

Compromise Through Advocates in Lahore:

 To compromise through advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. A power of attorney provided for the sale of “goods, effects and things belonging to” the principal through advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan. The word “things” in power included mortgages as being in action. Nothing in need suggests that the things were to be limited to choose in possession and not choices in action. It further held that the mortgages were capable of being transferred by the attorney.


Manage the estate, property, money, affairs concerns of the Zamindar and in all respects as entirely and absolutely as the principal and to do all such acts and deeds whatever as may be considered requisite for the above purpose as amply and effectually as the principal could do In his person. In case a power of attorney allowed an agent “to conduct and A power of attorney conferring the right to execute a decree does not grant a right to assign the order through advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan. Power expressly conferred in a power of attorney to enforce the law does not imply any ability to transfer a decree for consideration. A power of attorney provided “to execute all decrees in the name of my father or any other name on my behalf or otherwise to attach, and realized all money due thereon,” held, the agent acting under the power could not assign the decree. Authority to sue through advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan for and demand money, institute legal proceedings and settle claims, etc., does not confer power to assign decree obtained by the principal. 

Power of Compromise:

POWER to COMPROMISE: A power of attorney authorized the advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan “to compromise and to sign compromise petitions.” It also contained a general clause in the following words “whatever would be required to be done in the conduct of this suit would be done by the agent, and the same would be binding on me as if I had done the same.” The vernacular expression used for the word “compromise” was “a-stated job.” It was contended that power to refer the suit to arbitration was not included in the power to compromise and that the general clause was restricted to matters done in the conduct of the case and that it did not have the power to remove the dispute from the jurisdiction of the Court and transfer it to advocates in Lahore from a law firm in Pakistan.


It was also contended that the vernacular expression translated meant “to give and take between us.” Held, that the general clause read in conjunction with the clause about “give and take” left no doubt that the intention was to confer the vast power and several meanings which are embraced in the single English word “compromise,” which includes a power to refer a dispute to arbitration and that therefore a power of attorney, in this case, conferred the power to return the suit to arbitration.

Now Claim Wife and Child Maintenance Court Orders

Claim Wife and Child Maintenance Court Orders:

If you wish to claim wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The wife cannot claim maintenance when she lived with her parents deserting her husband without any lawful excuse for case of wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders.

Child maintenance:

The wife can claim maintenance when she remained deserted by her husband till tale becomes effective. In all circumstances, the maintenance is considered a debt upon the husband in conformity with his tent. It is remarkable in Islam that as soon as two Sui jury’s persons enter into0 a marriage contract, so many rights are created. Still, marriage is dissolved, those rights will continue according to the Injunctions of the Holy Quran. In Islam, a husband is bound to maintain his wife throughout the period concepts mains in marital bonds.

Wife Maintenance:

This principle is, however, contingent on two preconditions for wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders. One, when a wife abandons the conjugal domicile of the husband without any valid reason, and two, when she disobeys her husband without a good cause. In other words, desertion on the wife’s part from the husband’s abode is involuntary or/. The separation is not caused by misconduct because disobedience is founded on a good cause; she will be entitled to the maintenance husband. Dissolution of her marriage, a purpose she is required to show she has been neglected by her husband for a specific period and has not been maintained no fault of hero’s.

Wife Maintenance:

Regarding the wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders is not an ex gratia grant, but the husband is obliged to keep his wife. Fathers under law as well as morally are bound to keep the children. He cannot escape from his liability on any pretext. Even if the custody of minor is with mother, father or grandfather is bound to maintain sons until they attain puberty and daughters until they are married. Father or grandfather are not bound to keep adult sons unless disabled by infirmity or disease.” Grandfather’s financially fit person easily carries his grandchildren of his deceased son, who is also heir in property owned by him. Order of maintenance rightly passed against him in case of wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders.

Moral Obligation:

The moral obligation of the parents is to provide maintenance to their children. The maintenance is to be considered a debt upon the husband in conformity with his tenet.” Father is bound to maintain his Sons and daughters until sons attain puberty and daughters are married. Poverty and weak financial position do not absolve the father from escaping from his liability and are not allowed to deprive the minors of their legitimate right of maintenance. If the male child attains the age of majority father is not legally responsible for his care. Case of a female, despite achieving the age of majority, the parents is still responsible for wife maintenance in Pakistan or child maintenance court orders. She is married

Process of Claim Property in Khula or Talaq in Pakistan

Claim Property in Khula or Talaq in Pakistan:

 If you wish to know the law of claiming the property after talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The claim of plaintiffs/ Sons of deceased Owner were that deceased daughter of original Owner/ Even the will about these movables, though valid in English Law after talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan, will be recognized by the Courts of this country so far as it is consistent with Islamic law. Benefits of Succession are open to all heirs, including both citizens of Pakistan and foreigners. 12. The daughter was excluded while attesting mutation.


Through inheritance, brother became the owner of 2/3 of the property, while sister became the owner of the remaining 1/3 property. Sister came to own 1/3 of the property by operation of law and not by any mutation. It meant the mutation to record the legal entitlement of brother and sister. If the mutation were erroneously made in favor of the brother (only), such mutation after talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan would not create a title favoring the brother by Sharia law of inheritance.


Sister was co-owner of such property, and (exclusive) possession occupation of the property by her brother as the other co-owner could only be construed as possession on behalf of all co-owners, including the sister in question.  13.  Plaintiff is the only daughter of the predeceased son and would inherit two shares from her father’s property. In contrast of talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan, the remaining share of the plaintiff’s father (predeceased son) would go to other collaterals.

Khula in Pakistan:

No doubt, after talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan if she happened to inherit through her father, her father would be entitled to a 2/5 share in the property, but she being the only daughter, will inherit two claims from the property of his father-daughter of the deceased fourth son of last male owner. Mutation of the suit land was taken up and attested at a point in time when the previous male owner was not a confirmed allotted of land. A plaintiff who was the daughter of the deceased fourth son of the last male owner was entitled to inherit her grandfather’s property, i.e., the last male owner, to be the extent of her share in her father’s estate. It would be deemed that fourth 14.  The son survived his father, and then the plaintiff inherited on her father’s death her share as per Muslim Law on talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan. Further held, she was entitled to 1/8h share of land.” 15.  Daughter of a deceased son. The intention of section 4 is to safeguard the interest of the children of predeceased son and not to deprive the other heirs of the propositions of their due.

Muslim Laws:

According to his share Muslim Laws, the grandchild shall inherit in the estate of his grandfather Muslim Laws the entitlement that their predeceased father would have in their grandfather. According to Islamic Law of talaq in Pakistan or khula in Pakistan, the grandchild is not entitled to more than could be inherited by him from the parents. The court’s findings below that plaintiff were entitled to inherit her father’s entire property, not by law.

Can Talaq be revoked from Spouse in khula?

Can Talaq be revoked from Spouse in khula:

If you wish to know can talaq be revoked or khula process in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Grant of permission is a valid consideration for the agreement to transfer the specific property, suit not to be dismissed for want of consideration. Can talaq be revoked or khula process in Pakistan the whole emphasis is on the date of the receipt of the notice by the chairman of the Union Committee/Union Council.


Husband giving notice of Talaq to the Chairman which notices never withdrawn, it would be wrong on the part of Family Court to pass a decree for restitution of conjugal rights. A divorce pronounced by the husband would take effect under Islamic injunctions even if notice to Arbitration Council intimating it took such Talaq or subsequent proceedings in this regard and certificate of the effectiveness of Talaq is ignored.  Challenge in respect of lack of notice under section 7 is really of academic importance.


 The trial Judge should ignore the same where the factum of lack of notice as such is not a fact in respect of which any question/ issue is taken. The factum of divorce is itself denied by one party and asserted by the other, sending a notice under section 7 has no consideration. Can talaq be revoked or khula process in Pakistan If, however, the wife goes back to her husband’s house after notice of Talaq and gives birth to a son afterward, coupled with that, none of the parties took part in reconciliation proceedings. Certificate of the effectiveness of Talaq issued by the Chairman is not sufficient to prove that marital ties between the spouses had come to an end. Petitioner (husband) was found to have not sent the notice of Talaq divorce to the respondent in original, nor was a copy thereof sent to the Secretary, Union Council.

Khula Process in Pakistan:

Can talaq be revoked or khula process in Pakistan even if an order had been passed jurisdiction, the order advanced the cause of justice court should not interfere with such order as either any fraud or forgery. Committed by anyone should come the way of justice, nor could it invoke constitutional jurisdiction to aid injustice. Impugned order advanced the cause of justice by setting aside a document (divorce deed) obtained by fraud and forgery.45. 

Statement of Parties:

One of the spouse’s citizens of Pakistan. Parties are litigating since 1995, and according to the statement of parties, they were going through agonizing and painful situations. Plaintiff women appearing before Court had refused to go with their husbands. No religion would allow hateful union, which was not bases on the true consent of parties, especially in the Christian Marriage Act, 1872, where marriage is a sacrament for question can talaq be revoked or khula process in Pakistan.


 Evidence on record establishing beyond doubt that a vital role in marriage between spouses who were Christians was performed by one Muslim Peer” under whose influence parities were wedded. It lays down in mandatory terms that the marriage between the native Christian shall not be certified otherwise than upon the fulfillment of the said conditions. One of the conditions is that neither of the persons intending to be married shall have a wife or husband still living As Christian Marriage Act only recognizes one marriage, issues of the first wife only lawful heirs and entitled to inherit.” 

Starting A Business In New York

Starting A Business In New York

Deciding where to locate your business in the states requires you to have updated knowledge and understanding of the challenges and opportunities your business will face at the chosen location. New York is a city full of entrepreneurial opportunities. There are more than two million businesses located in New York City. They employ more than half of the workforce, i.e. four million people. As a result, new York has an ecosystem that supports entrepreneurship.


The economic system of New York lets small business ventures prosper. In contrast, businesses face multiple challenges while establishing companies in New York City. We provide you with the news, reviews, and updates regarding starting and maintaining your business in any state of your choice. It is one of the best sources of information available to get advice on your business startup, investment choices, and financing sources. In addition, it links you with the leading services available in the States for your business’s new business formation or relocation. 

New York City is rich with a skilled and talented workforce. It is a city of colleges and universities. As the demand for talent is high, the talent supply is available simultaneously. As a result, skilled workers worldwide are attracted to come here and join the force from worldwide.

The businesses located near New York, especially in the southern part of the state, enjoy the spillover effect of the business activity generated in New York City. It creates opportunities for businesses to find more customers.


It is proven that New York suits the businesses with entrepreneurial spirit best. However, it poses many challenges to the companies, including complex regulation, which results in investing in additional legal costs. Secondly, New York state poses high taxes. It is generally tricky for entrepreneurs to follow business tax codes as it is burdensome. Finally, the cost of living is usually too high. Before starting a business in New York, keep in mind that employees may demand higher salaries to meet the steeper prices of groceries, healthcare, transportation, and housing. 

Key Steps to Start Business In New York

Step 1: Brainstorm your business idea

Brainstorming starts from analyzing your interests. What do you love to do? And what you want to serve to the world. Starting from your mind map to perform SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and threats)of the business startup all comes under the process of brainstorming. Include research essentially in your step of brainstorming. Do research of the industry, location and startup costs of your anticipated business.

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

After brainstorming, develop a detailed business plan describing the features of your product and services and the pricing details. The description of competitive edge is also part of the business plan, and it is how you differentiate your product and services from the competition. The business plan also discusses the available capital, the anticipated sources of raising equity or debt for the business. 

Hence, a business plan summarises the business, including mission, vision, goals, and objectives. It also discusses the management structure, financial analysis,  sources of funding and marketing plan of the business entity.

Step 3: Choose A Business Name

While doing business in New York, you need to check the availability of the anticipated company name in the Department of State (DOS) database. You can get the name of your business entity reserved for sixty days by applying to the New York Department of State (DOS). The New York Department of State (DOS)  has separate forms for naming LLCs and Corporations.

Step 4: Register Your Business and Apply for Licenses & Permits

Nonetheless, you can choose from one of many options available to start your business in New York. The options include sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC and Corporation.

However, LLC is the best business structure that suits small businesses. To register an LLC in New York, you must submit an Article of Organization to New York DOS.  

Next, you will require the services of a registered agent following the formal processes. Next, you need to prepare an operating agreement to define rules and regulations for your LLC and how it will operate.

You need a Tax Registration with the New York Department of Taxation and Finance for selling goods and services in New York. In addition, if your business is employing a New York workforce, you need to register with the New York Department of Labor(DOL). 

Also, apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. Requesting an EIN is vital to opening your business bank account and processing payments.

Step 5: Open a business bank account, raise finance and obtain insurance

Opening a business account for your business entity is essential for any business you form. You can raise finances for your business in microloans or federal loans or seek finances through personal loans. It would help if you had insurance. Your business needs insurance to protect itself and your business from unexpected disasters.

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5 Common  Discursive Essay Mistakes to Avoid

Students sometimes think that they should use big words and try to be as wordy as possible. However, you can accomplish the same effect with simpler words. Instead of saying ‘far more dangerous to life and limb’, say ‘danger’ instead. Cliches also don’t convey meaning and clutter your essay. In addition, they can lead to a poor grades if they want highest marks in  college then they  read the article written on discursive essay that’s are available on internet and Essay writing services blog page.

Avoid writing about yourself in an essay:

Despite the temptation to share your most intimate life events and ramble about a significant other, an essay about yourself should be free of personal details. While it’s perfectly fine to tell a fictional story about yourself, avoid putting yourself down or scribbling about your personality flaws. Instead, focus on what you have accomplished and how you have overcome obstacles. Make sure your story relates to the prompt and the plot.

Using Alternative words to express position:

Using “I” in an essay or cover letter is a common mistake, and writers should try to avoid it. This can give the work a “conversational” ring. Instead, try using alternative words to express your position, and use clearer, more direct language. Grammarly and spell check are helpful tools to check for these problems and prevent mistakes from ruining your personal statement. You can also use the same words and structure in different situations.

Avoid writing run-on sentences:

While writing a discursive essay, there are a few ways to avoid writing run-on sentences. First, remember that a run-on sentence is a single clause joined by a comma without any punctuation. It is also possible to fuse two sentences together by missing a connecting word or a semicolon. In general, it is best to avoid run-ons and use coordinating conjunction whenever possible.

Avoid using many coordinating conjunctions:

The logical development of an idea is undermined by a long, run-on sentence. To make your essay more readable, break it up into two or more separate sentences. Adding coordinating conjunction or a period will help you organize your ideas. However, don’t use too many coordinating conjunctions, as they make your essay seems boring and clumsy. Also, try using corresponding conjunctive adverbs in formal contexts, which have the same meaning.

Avoid repeating yourself in an essay:

The concept of rephrasing can help you avoid the effect of repetition. This type of wording does not make the essay seem dull, and it demonstrates to the tutor that you know and understand the subject well. When addressing a single person in an essay, for example, there’s no need to repeat the name of the person. In that case, you can use the word ‘his’ or ‘he’ after the first mention. If the person is different in the different paragraphs, you’ll need to be clear that it is the same person.

Avoid from overuse Quotations:

You may use quotations as support for your ideas and arguments but remember to limit them to three per paragraph. Overuse of quotations will only make your work sound unoriginal and muddled. Instead, use your own words or ideas to convey the same idea. When you are writing a long essay, make sure that the language is clear and concise. Using too many quotations can also make your essay seems convoluted and distract the reader.

Avoid making the structure of your essay complex:

In a discursive essay writing, you should use sensory details, like actual details, to draw the reader in. Moreover, you should add transition sentences to improve your writing. Your conclusion should summarize the main points in your body text and should relate to the overall point of the paper. Finally, you should proofread your work to remove any mistakes and improve the clarity of the essay. By using the tips below, you can create a strong discursive essay.

When you  write a discursive essay writing , you should remember to appeal to the five senses. Make sure that you use the discursive essay to convey a message, whether it is a lesson learned from experience or an object that impacted your life. If you’re having trouble writing a descriptive essay, you can read fiction. This will give you some ideas and may even help you find your own style. The goal of a discursive essay is to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, so you should make sure that you use the five senses.

Know Fees of Law Firms in Lahore For Family & Civil Suit

Fees of Law Firms in Lahore:

 There is no fixed fee of law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan as they charge as per their competency. For some legal work (in particular, undefended divorces and debt-collection cases), fixed payments set out the amount a Advocate can charge. Generally, though, these fixed fees only apply when the costs are paid by someone other than the Advocate’s client, for instance, when the loser of a case is told to pay the winner’s legal costs. If the law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan costs exceed the fixed fee, he can usually charge the excess to his client. Second, the scale feels for some legal work. Third, there are scale fees, under which the fee increases with the value of the item involved.

Unofficial Scale:

For instance, there is an unofficial scale governing Advocates’ costs in work done for a client’s building society when a property is being bought. Control by the Law Society and the courts. In court cases (adequately called ‘contentious cases’), the Court can check a Advocate’s bill. It is called ‘taxing costs.’ In non-court work (adequately called ‘non-contentious cases’), the bill can be referred to the Law Society, who will decide whether it is fair and reasonable, and issue a remuneration certificate setting out a reasonable fee by law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan. Then, if necessary, it can review the Law Society decision by asking the Court to ‘tax the costs. 

Contentious and Non-Contentious Costs:

Contentious and non-contentious costs All work done by a Advocate can describe all work done by a solicit contentious.’ ‘Contentious’ means that court proceedings have been begun, and ac- accordingly ‘non-contentious means that court proceedings were not comment did not commence court proceedings when court work and non-court work.

Lawyers in Pakistan:

The Land Charges Registry by law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan; and the Land Registry; will also pay stamp duty and a Land Registry fee for registering the buyer as the owner; in addition, there will be miscellaneous expenses, such as travel costs, phone calls, and stamps. In a High Court case, the disbursements might include court fees, barrister’s fees, expert witnesses’ fees, expenses incurred by other witnesses, and so on, Profit cost. It is the term used to describe the Advocate’s professional charge for doing the work. It is his fee, excluding his out-of-pocket expenses (i.e., disbursements).

Profit Cost:

However, the phrase profit cost’ is unnecessarily complicated and, in addition, it is misleading. It is the law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan gross profit. Still, from it, he will pay his rent, rates, office machinery expenses, insurance, staff salaries, and so on. Only then will his net profit emerge.  VAT. Finally, the client will have to pay VAT on the whole of the Advocate’s profit cost and those of the ‘VATable’ disbursements.


 The debate over the bill over the amount of a Advocate’s account will usually be based on his profit cost figure since both the disbursements and VAT are generally not disputed. Machinery exists to control the profit cost; there are three different ways in which this is done. Usually, only one of these procedures will be available in a particular case of law firms in Lahore or lawyers in Pakistan.